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MAX6870 Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Maxim Integrated

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MAX6870 Datasheet PDF : 51 Pages
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EEPROM-Programmable Hex/Quad
Power-Supply Sequencers/Supervisors with ADC
Table 10. PO1 (MAX6870 Only) Output Dependency
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN1 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 2).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN2 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 3).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN3 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN4 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN5 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN6 primary undervoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on watchdog 1 (Tables 27 and 28).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on watchdog 2 (Tables 27 and 28).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN1 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 2).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN2 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 3).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN3 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN4 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN5 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on IN6 secondary undervoltage/overvoltage threshold (Table 4).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on GPI1 (Table 6).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on GPI2 (Table 6).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on GPI3 (Table 6).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on GPI4 (Table 6).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO2 (Table 11).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO3 (Tables 12 and 13).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO4 (Tables 14 and 15).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO5 (Tables 16 and 17).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO6 (Tables 18 and 19).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO7 (Table 20).
1 = PO1 assertion depends on PO8 (Table 21).
1 = PO1 asserts when MR = low (Table 7).
Table 10 only applies to PO1 of the MAX6870. Write a 0
to a bit to make the PO1 output independent of the
respective signal (IN1–IN6 primary or secondary
thresholds, WDI1 or WDI2, GPI1–GPI4, MR, or other
programmable outputs).
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